
We consider it a privilege to partner with parents to help build a biblical foundation for a lifetime of growth in Jesus Christ.

We strive to provide solid programs that are not only fun, but that also equip your child with the biblical foundations necessary to grow in their relationship with the Lord.

four children grinning at camera

Children's Ministries

a children's sunday school class

Sunday School

  • For Preschool - 5th Grade
  • Sunday mornings at 9:00

  • Location: Joy Wing 2nd Floor

Germantown baptist childcare facilities


  • For Birth - Preschool
  • Sunday mornings at 10:30 (during the Worship Service)

  • Location: Joy Wing 1st Floor

2 boys laughing at the camera in Kid's Worship

Kid's Worship

  • K-1st Grade
  • Sundays at 10:30

  • Location: Joy Wing 2nd Floor

children singing

Word & Worship

  • K-5th Grade
  • Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m.

  • Location: Joy Wing 2nd Floor

children performing a musical

Children's Choir

  • K-5th Grade
  • Rehearse Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m.

  • Location: Joy Wing 2nd Floor

group of children making silly faces


  • K-5th Grade
  • Special Occasions

  • Location: Joy Wing 2nd Floor

Pastor Matt Brown reading a book to a group of children in the GBC Learning Center

GBC Learning Center

  • Weekday School for children up to Kindergarten
Closeup shot of a child's hands playing a piano


  • Music Lessons & Dance Classes for artists of all ages.
A boy swinging a baseball bat


  • Sports Leagues for Children

Policies & FAQs

What safety measures are in place for my children?
For security, children in first grade and younger will be checked in by parents using one of our kiosks or their own mobile device. Security stickers will print at that location.  One will go on the child, one will be given to the teacher at drop-off, and the third will be used at pick-up time.  If the same responsible party is not picking up, a photo sent by text/SMS to the other authorized person may be shown. In case of an emergency, a responsible adult must remain on campus during regular programming for children second grade and younger. Children second grade and younger are to be picked up at the end of programming by an adult or a sibling 16 and older. Children in 3rd–5th grade can be sent to class on their own and will be released at the end of the programming to meet their family at an on-campus location of your selection. We care about the safety and wellbeing of all of our children and do our best to protect children with allergies. *Our children’s areas are nut-free zones and all of our snacks are nut free. In the event of an emergency evacuation, children will gather at the end of the Joy Lawn and pickup will occur there.
Wellness Policy
Children should not attend if experiencing any of the following: fever of 100° or higher, vomiting or diarrhea within the last 24 hours, significant cough, runny nose with additional symptoms and colored discharge, or any rash that is suspected to be contagious. If a child is under treatment with an antibiotic, s/he should be on it for at least 48 hours prior to attending. If your child has attended an activity and is diagnosed with something highly contagious (lice, "hand, foot and mouth," COVID, etc.), please inform Melissa Adair for preschoolers or Mark French for elementary age and they will communicate the exposure to others in attendance while maintaining your confidentiality as much as possible.

Children's Ministry Staff

Dr. Josh Creason

Pastor of Discipleship & Families

Mark French

Associate Pastor of Children and Young Families

Emily Pettet

Children's Choir Director

Karen Wylie

Childcare Director

Anna Evans

Children & Students Ministry Assistant

Pat Lewallen

Children's Resource Clerk

Beth Tierce

Worship Care Coordinator

Melissa Adair

Preschool Ministry Associate