6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Upper Joy Wing

What is Word & Worship?

Our Children's Ministry and Worship Arts Ministry collaborate to offer Word & Worship on Wednesdays for children in Kindergarten through 5th Grade. Children engage in two rotations throughout the night. During one half, children will encounter God's Word through Scripture reading, Bible drills & games, and memory challenges. During the other half, children will get to sing Scripture set to music in a fun, high energy setting.

When is Word & Worship?

Wednesday evenings, 6:00-7:30 PM during the school year

Where does Word & Worship meet?

Upper Joy

Why does GBC offer Word & Worship?

Word & Worship helps us Grow our love for God's Word & Worship the God who gave it to us.

How can you be involved with Word & Worship?

Word & Worship has a variety of roles that you can connect with, such as our safety and security team, assisting in the classroom and team time Leaders with various worship arts skills in areas like puppets, sign language, instrumental and vocal instruction. Contact us to get involved!

How can you continue Word & Worship's focus at home?

Each week we send out a recap of what has been covered in Word & Worship. Help children listen and practice the songs as well as their Bible memory verse, books of the Bible, Bible divisions, or Bible key passages. For a playlist of some of our Word & Worship songs, check out our Spotify Playlist.