Senior Adults

The Germantown Baptist Church Senior Adult Ministry provides a variety of ministries and activities for and by Senior adults.

  • Assisted Living: serves assisted living facilities in our area
  • Senior Adult Choir
  • Homebound Seniors
  • Helping Hands: assists church members with minor home repairs and other needs
  • Nursing Home Ministry: serves seven nursing homes in our area

Our Ministry:

  • Urges Seniors to actively share their faith with others and lead their friends to exercise saving faith in Jesus Christ.
  • Enables Seniors to enjoy a full and growing relationship with Jesus Christ, fellowship with one another and with persons of all ages in the congregation.
  • Encourages Seniors to maintain consistent and joyful involvement in life changing Bible study and Christ centered worship.
  • Coordinates the consistent use by Seniors of their spiritual gifts and Christian experience to minister to the church and to others in the community.
  • Encourages Senior participation in enjoyable activities and trips in a Christ centered atmosphere.
  • Provides appropriate Christian care and encouragement to Seniors during times of difficulty and loss

Upcoming Events

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Equipping Ministry Staff

John Longworth

Pastor of Equipping & Pastoral Care

Carol Griffin

Equipping and Pastoral Care Ministry Assistant

Connor Hodge

Equipping Ministry Associate