10:30 a.m.
Joy Wing 217

What is KidsWorship?

KidsWorship provides opportunities for children Kindergarten through First Grade to learn about and practice aspects of corporate worship in a relaxed and fun setting. Some children will learn better by being with their parents for corporate worship. Others need more practice. KidsWorship is a resource available to parents, but certainly not required.

When is KidsWorship?

Sunday mornings, 10:30AM (child pickup is immediately after the main worship service ends)

Kindergartners have KidsWorship on the First through Fourth Sunday of each month.

First Graders have KidsWorship on the Second and Fourth Sunday of each month.

When there is a fifth Sunday of the month, families will worship together in our main worship service.

Where does KidsWorship meet?

Joy Wing 217

Why does GBC offer KidsWorship?

KidsWorship equips children to fully engage in our church family worship services.

How can you be involved with KidsWorship?

We can use adults who can help lead worship, facilitate games, sing solos, run technology, and help with "crowd control." To get involved, Contact our Children's Ministry Assistant.

How can you continue KidsWorship focus at home?

Most weeks you will receive an email giving you what we covered that week in a snapshot so that you are able to engage with your child around that topic. For the music portion of our worship, we use three sources of songs. We use fun songs from Slugs & Bugs (Randall Goodgame) for some fun kid songs that are Scripture set to music (that parents will enjoy too!). We also incorporate a variety of songs children may encounter when they join you for corporate worship. We offer a number of additional video resources on our Facebook feed and Youtube Channel.