April 7, 2015

ReadI Corinthians 15:20-23

“Boys will be boys!” As a freshman in college, along with two friends, we decided to spend the night in the local cemetery. It was an incredible place – overlooking the small town, nestled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. After the experience, I went back to my dorm and wrote the first poem I ever tried to write. I called it, “Strange Bedfellows” It went like this: 

A touch of spring was there that night,
The lilacs filled the air.
Winter days had come and gone,
But still the trees were bare.
The graves were oh so silent. 
In their masks of marble white.
And the only sound that could be heard,
Was the stillness of the night.
We laid our molded forms 
Upon sweet nature’s friendly cot,
It was the friendly land
Beside the Carter’s family plot.
What be there to fear, I say,
To lie beside the dead.
For long before we got there, 
The Carters left their bed.  

It was certainly an “off the wall” thing to do, to spend the night in a cemetery.  (Don’t tell my grandchildren.)  But at least in the poem, I got my theology right!

So as we celebrate the Glorious Resurrection of our Lord, we are assured that the whole body of Christ, all that are united in Him by faith, will, by His Resurrection, be assured of our own.


Adoration: God is holy, mighty, gracious, and merciful. Spend time declaring your love for Him and expressing your thoughts of praise and worship.  

Confession: Ask God to search your heart and reveal any areas of unconfessed sin. Acknowledge these to the Lord and thank Him for His forgiveness.  

Thanksgiving: Express your thankfulness to God for the blessings He has given you. When we consider that we deserve punishment because of our sinfulness, and instead God gives to us His love and mercy, our only response should be one of thankfulness.  

Supplication: Petition God for spiritual insight and understanding of His Word.  Ask Him to help you know what is His direction and purpose for your life.  Intercede for other believers, personal friends, those in ministry and those who are oppressed and in need. Offer prayers for your activities for this day and any special concerns you might have.