April 6, 2015

ReadI Corinthians 15:20-23

Our hope in this life, as well as in our death, is the hope that comes from Jesus’ resurrection. Our Lord was the first to be resurrected, but this scripture indicates that there are others to follow.  In this passage, Paul speaks of "those who have fallen asleep."  The word "sleep" in the New Testament always, and only, refers to believers who have died.  It is never used to describe dead unbelievers. At Christ's second coming, all those who are "in Christ" shall be raised even as Jesus was. Hallelujah!       

Do you have this sure and certain hope in you which 2 Corinthians 15 describes for those who to follow in the same pattern as their Lord?  Has death lost its "sting" for you? In some Christian denominations, as well as in Islam, the eternal destiny is never certain until after death.  When they appear at heaven's door, they are told to either "enter" or "depart".  How hopeless that leaves them for their entire lives! We are assured throughout the New Testament, that our eternal destiny is secure. We have hope in this life as well as in the hereafter.         

Jesus was the first in the order of God the Father for those who are to experience the reality of the resurrection. Is this your confident expectation that gives you peace in life and death?  May this Easter be a celebration of our Lord's resurrection, as well as the promise of ours as well.      

Lord, we thank You for the hope that is ours, that gives us peace in our lives.  Amen. 


Adoration: God is holy, mighty, gracious, and merciful. Spend time declaring your love for Him and expressing your thoughts of praise and worship.  

Confession: Ask God to search your heart and reveal any areas of unconfessed sin. Acknowledge these to the Lord and thank Him for His forgiveness.  

Thanksgiving: Express your thankfulness to God for the blessings He has given you. When we consider that we deserve punishment because of our sinfulness, and instead God gives to us His love and mercy, our only response should be one of thankfulness.  

Supplication: Petition God for growth in your desire to know and please Him.  Ask Him to give you a greater love and commitment to Him.  Ask Him for the grace to glorify Him in your life.  Intercede on behalf of your local church, other churches, evangelism and discipleship ministries and other concerns you may have.  Offer prayers for your activities for this day and any special concerns you might have.