July 31, 2015

Y'all I think one of the coolest things about spending time alone with God is being renewed by His word and His presence. When we make space for God in our lives, especially at the beginning of our day, He is faithful to renew and prepare our souls for all we will face that day. This is what I've been telling the single moms I mentor. Wake up early, girls, and fill yourselves with Him. It'll set your day off amazingly. 

When we renew our minds, we are presenting ourselves as worship to God. Every aspect of our lives is part of our worship. You worship God when you choose to believe His word over other’s. 

You love God when you trust Him over your feelings and limited perspective. And when you renew your mind, you are conforming no longer to the world, with its destruction and many lies. God puts in stark contrast conforming to the lies of the world and renewing your mind to the truth. 

So in light of the incredible promises of God's word, how can you experience the fruit of renewing your mind? 

You have to make time to open your mind and heart to Scripture every day. The best time to experience renewal in your mind is when you first wake up. So just do it. Wake up early. Fill yourself with His presence. 

You have to read Scripture while listening to the Holy Spirit. Scripture will come alive when you spend time reading it with the guidance and teaching of the Spirit. 

Are you ready to renew yourself?