December 8, 2015

Read John 10:7-10

We have a sin problem and, because we are powerless on our own, we can’t free ourselves from sin's bondage. The only One who can is Jesus. What's so amazing is that after receiving the precious gift of Christ as our Savior, we are saved for eternity, and we are daily saved from the lies, deceit, and destruction that Satan so desires for us. This year I have loved ones that have experienced a suicide attempt of a child, unfaithfulness in marriage, rebellious children, death, chronic physical pain, loneliness, and cancer. We live in a world where a pregnant pastor's wife is brutally murdered in her own home, and where a seven year old child is assaulted and murdered just 25 minutes after being abducted at a football game. How can we live the abundant life Christ promises in these horrific circumstances, and what does this even look like?

Reading Scripture, I understand abundant living to be: a peace that passes all understanding, a sweet intimacy with the Savior in the hard times, the ability to pass through the fire and not be scorched, the power to run and not grow weary.  As a wife and mother, I'm not sure I could wake up each morning after losing a child or being betrayed by my spouse, or any of the hardships mentioned above, much less live abundantly. But as a Christian, I’m beyond grateful that God gives me what I need in the midst of my pain. He promises His presence in the midst of whatever sorrow befalls me.

Praise God we don't have to know what it’s like to walk through life’s storms alone. Because He came, and with His divine power, we have all we need for abundant, overflowing life, no matter the circumstances.