December 4, 2014

Read: Luke 15:25-32

“It’s not fair!”  How many times have you heard that statement?  And, perhaps you reply, “Life’s not fair”.  It is natural to see our personal perspective; however, we don’t realize how selfish this may appear.  In this parable, we look at the lost brother.  Certainly, he was selfish-wandering lost and spending his inheritance-while his brother whiled away at home working for their father.  But, in a turn of events, upon the lost brother’s return, the working brother’s words revealed his selfishness, as well.  He thought it was terribly unfair that his brother had spent years enjoying life and was welcomed home with love and celebration.  This brother’s spirit was equally selfish.   The father invited him to come and join the celebration, but the brother stood outside the door.

Isn’t it glorious that no matter how far you have wandered away, the Lord still welcomes you with love and celebration?   When a person stops wandering and is new in Christ, we, too should celebrate. When someone has wronged us, and we are harboring an “It’s not fair” attitude, we may need to redirect our own selfishness.
As you begin the holiday season, how can you avoid this selfish attitude?  Avoid asking others what they received for Christmas; ask instead what they gave away?  This will help keep “It’s not fair” out of your home this Christmas morning.


Adoration: God is holy, mighty, gracious, and merciful. Spend time declaring your love for Him and expressing your thoughts of praise and worship. 

Confession: Ask God to search your heart and reveal any areas of unconfessed sin. Acknowledge these to the Lord and thank Him for His forgiveness. 

Thanksgiving: Express your thankfulness to God for the blessings He has given you. When we consider that we deserve punishment because of our sinfulness, and instead God gives to us His love and mercy, our only response should be one of thankfulness. 

Supplication: Petition God to help you be a faithful steward of your time, talents, possessions, and relationships.  Offer prayers concerning your activities for this day and any special concerns you have.  Intercede for your local, state, and national governments.  Pray for spiritual revival in the nation and offer prayers regarding any current events and concerns.