December 3, 2015

Read Psalm 119:105John 6:68John 1:1
At Thanksgiving we stop, or "slow down,” a Thursday in our year to reflect and be thankful. There are so many things to arrange and accomplish on this day that it is easy to pass up the meaning of this holiday. We have to get all the family in one place, a job in itself; plan all the food to be cooked and served, another big job; and possibly the three days before, like me, your work is scrambling to be caught up. 
It is easy to turn Thanksgiving into a process of events every year, and miss the meaning of the day. This year I was asking myself, “What is the most important thing I am thankful for?” I immediately went to thinking of all the things I love that God has given me - which is everything good in my life. But, after thinking of this, God reminded me of something very important, without which I would be hopeless. I am referring to His written Word, The Bible.
Some of God's words started coming to my mind. “Your Word is a lamp for my feet.”  “God directs our ways.” Simon Peter said to Jesus, “You have the words of eternal life.” This reminded me of my Hope in Jesus, my Lord! That lead me to remember John 1:1, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”  Jesus is the Word of God, straight from Him. I guess we have a lot to be thankful for this year, but when you open a Holy Bible, be thankful for that gift from God. We couldn't live without it.