October 2, 2014

Read: Luke 11:37-41; Proverbs 31:30

If the Lord looks on the heart, then why do I spend so much time on the outside? Well, that would be because man looks on the outward appearance. So does woman! I don’t know what the statistics are for sales, but Target has several aisles dedicated to makeup and hair care products. I have drawers and cabinets full of them.

This is an issue that is almost as old as mankind. We have been tricked into believing that if we can just make the outside look right, we’ll be okay. The problem? We have it backwards! “Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain ...” According to Jesus, I need to get my heart right, and my outward appearance will reflect my true beauty. “... but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” There it is - the fear of the Lord makes me pure, clean, and beautiful in His eyes. This is true of men, as well as of women. There is something extremely attractive about a group of men, in a restaurant for lunch, who bow and pray before they eat.

What about you? Does your outward appearance match your heart? What can you do today to insure that the Lord Jesus will never describe your insides as full of wickedness?


Adoration: God is holy, mighty, gracious, and merciful. Spend time declaring your love for Him and expressing your thoughts of praise and worship. 

Confession: Ask God to search your heart and reveal any areas of unconfessed sin. Acknowledge these to the Lord and thank Him for His forgiveness. 

Thanksgiving: Express your thankfulness to God for the blessings He has given you. When we consider that we deserve punishment because of our sinfulness, and instead God gives to us His love and mercy, our only response should be one of thankfulness. 

Supplication: Petition God for growth in your desire to know and please Him.  Ask Him to give you a greater love and commitment to Him.  Ask Him for the grace to glorify Him in your life.  Intercede on behalf of your local church, other churches, evangelism and discipleship ministries and other concerns you may have.  Offer prayers for your activities for this day and any special concerns you might have.