GBC Dance Classes

Program Information for Spring 2025

Registration opens November 18th

  • We are offering 16 lessons for the spring semester which begin the week of January 6.
  • Please read the full class description when registering.
  • Returning students should register for the same level class you attended last semester.
  • New students, ages 3 - 1grade, register by age.

Dance Classes

Discover Dance 1 Tues
Discover Dance 1 Thurs
Discover Dance 1 Wed
Discover Dance 2 Tues
Discover Dance 2 Thurs
Dance 1
Dance 2
Dance 5/6
Dance 7
Teen and Adult Dance

Our Dance Instructors

Elise Creason


Kathy Thiele


Anna Maria Haycook


Abbey Columbus


Lydia Summers


Arden Lindsey


Kendall Fagan

What payment options are available?
There are three options for payment:

Option 1 – Full payment is due by the first day of lessons
Option 2 – Half-payment is due by the first day of lessons with the remaining balance due in 30 days.
Option 3 – Quarter-payment is due by the first day of lessons with the remaining increments every 30 days
How do I make subsequent payments?
  • Visit to make subsequent payments.
  • Log in by clicking the "You are not logged in. Click here to log in." button.
  • In the top menu, click on "My Registrations."
  • All active registrations (events for yourself or your children) will be displayed.
    • If you registered a child, only your account will show their registration information.
  • Find the GBC Conservatory class/lessons you registered for, displaying basic information.
  • Click the "Registration Details" button.
  • On the registration page, view your current balance and past payments.
  • Select the payment to make and click "Continue."
  • Complete the payment process by adding a new payment method or using a saved one.
What if I miss a payment?
Students whose tuition has not been received by the payment due date may not receive lessons. The Conservatory Office will notify you and your teacher of your delinquent status. No lessons
missed due to past due balances will be made up.
What if I miss a lesson?
We don’t offer make-ups or refunds for missed dance classes. If a student has to miss a class, they are welcome to contact us, or they can just jump back in the next week.
Make every effort to arrive on time to your lesson. Lessons started late due to a student’s tardiness will still end on time as, in most cases, there is another lesson scheduled immediately afterward.
Teacher Absences
All lessons due to teacher’s absence will be rescheduled and will not be counted as the student’s make up lesson.
If a student discontinues their lessons, our reimbursement schedule will be as follows: We will reimburse you for the remaining lessons as long as you have not entered into the next paid month.

Example: If you decide to discontinue your lessons during September and do not take any lessons in October, you will be reimbursed for prepaid lessons not taken in October, November, and December. If you enter into any lessons in October, you will be reimbursed for prepaid lessons not taken in November and December. If you enter into any lessons in November, you will be reimbursed for prepaid lessons not taken in December. If you enter into any lessons in December, no reimbursement will be made.
Inclement Weather
With the presence of multiple school districts within Shelby County and the surrounding towns, the GBC Conservatory of Music will follow its own schedule of closing for inclementweather. Notification of closing will be posted to the home page of the GBC website. Lessons missed due to inclement weather (in the event that theConservatory is closed) will be made up. If a student decides to miss a lesson but the Conservatory is
still open, the teacher is not obligated to make up that lesson.
The Conservatory seeks to maintain a safe and orderly environment. If a student or his/her parent behaves in an unorderly manner during lessons or on the campus of Germantown Baptist Church, the Conservatory administration will address the situation and give a warning that lessons may be discontinued if the behavior continues. If the behavior continues beyond the warning, the Conservatory reserves the right to discontinue lessons for that student at its discretion. In this case, a refund will be issued remaining lessons in the semester.
Building Entrance
Our building is in the midst of renovation, after major water damage at the end of 2022. Many spaces have been completed, but our main lobby and worship center remains closed. To enter the building for music lessons, you may use the handicap door on the far right of the front entrance doors, or through the Commons/Café entrance. Dance students will continue using the CORE entrance and parking lot.
There is parking available all around our campus. You are welcome to park in any of our available parking lots, but please do not park in any fire lane. The Germantown Police Department and Germantown Fire Department may issue tickets to vehicles parked in a fire lane on our campus.