May 8, 2015

Read: Proverbs 3:5-6

“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it”.  These familiar words from Proverbs come to mind as I think of my faith walk to salvation. The very earliest memory I have is kneeling by the side of my parents’ bed, praying with my family. With those precious memories, it was natural, as a tender seven years old child, to give my heart to Jesus.  

Every Sunday morning, as a family, along with three of our neighbor kids, we went to Sunday School and church.  Dad recognized that all five of us were ready to be confronted about our faith journey and invited our pastor to our home to talk to us about our personal relationship to God.  It was there in our living room, that in repentance and faith, I gave my heart to Jesus. Soon after, all five of us were baptized together. The words of Jesus, “Suffer the little children to come unto me…..” has always  held great meaning to me, because , although I was so young , that experience was real and represents the moment when my faith became more than the “faith of my parents”. It was a genuine, personal faith in my Savior.  My life with Him has been an incredible journey.  There have been times that I have wished a return of that child-like faith that I remember so well as a young boy. 

I feel that His Hand has been on me from that moment. And Proverbs 3:5-6 has become the guiding light in my life.


Adoration: God is holy, mighty, gracious, and merciful. Spend time declaring your love for Him and expressing your thoughts of praise and worship.  

Confession: Ask God to search your heart and reveal any areas of unconfessed sin. Acknowledge these to the Lord and thank Him for His forgiveness.  

Thanksgiving: Express your thankfulness to God for the blessings He has given you. When we consider that we deserve punishment because of our sinfulness, and instead God gives to us His love and mercy, our only response should be one of thankfulness.  

Supplication: Petition God to help you be a faithful steward of your time, talents, possessions, and relationships.  Offer prayers concerning your activities for this day and any special concerns you have.  Intercede for your local, state, and national governments.  Pray for spiritual revival in the nation and offer prayers regarding any current events and concerns.